Continuing Education Requirements for Michigan Psychologists

Continuing Education Requirements for Michigan Psychologists

Table of Contents

Continuing education is a vital component of professional growth and licensure maintenance for psychologists. This comprehensive guide breaks down the specific requirements, approved activities, and guidelines you need to follow to fulfill your continuing education credits. Whether you’re attending workshops, publishing research, or engaging in supervision, understanding these criteria will help you navigate the process with confidence and ensure compliance with licensing regulations.

Below is a detailed summary of Part 4. Continuing Education from LARA’s Psychology General Rules, focusing on the sections R 338.2583 and R 338.2585:

R 338.2583 Acceptable Continuing Education; Requirements; Limitations

  1. General Requirements for License Renewal:
    • Psychologists must complete 30 hours of continuing education every two years.
    • No more than 12 hours of continuing education may be earned in one 24-hour period.
    • There are no limitations on the number of continuing education hours that can be earned online.
  2. Content-Specific Requirements:
    • At least 2 hours must be dedicated to pain and symptom management, which may include courses in behavior management, psychology of pain, pharmacology, behavior modification, stress management, clinical applications, and drug interventions related to professional practice.
    • At least 3 hours must be dedicated to ethics.
  3. Acceptable Continuing Education Activities:
    • Live or Interactive Programs: Participation in live, in-person programs or interactive teleconferences/web-based programs offered by various approved organizations (e.g., APA, American Medical Association, state psychological associations).
    • Academic Courses: Completing postgraduate academic courses related to psychology at regionally accredited institutions. Five hours of continuing education are granted per academic credit hour, up to 20 hours per renewal period.
    • Presentations and Publications:
      • Initial presentation of continuing education programs or scientific exhibits, posters, papers, or clinical demonstrations. Two hours of credit are granted for each 50-60 minute presentation, up to 20 hours per renewal period.
      • Publication of articles in peer-reviewed or non-peer-reviewed journals, newsletters, magazines, or book chapters related to psychology. Credits vary by the type of publication, with a maximum of 20 hours per renewal period.
    • Supervision and Consultation:
      • Providing or receiving clinical supervision or participating in peer supervision/consultation, with one hour of credit per 50-60 minutes of supervision/consultation, up to 10 hours per renewal period.
    • Case Conferences and Committees: Participation in case conferences, hospital grand rounds, multidisciplinary conferences, or relevant committees, with specific credit allocations based on activity and participation.
    • Certification and Examination Development: Obtaining initial certification in a specialty area or participating in the development of national psychology examinations, with credits awarded for each activity.
Activity CodeActivity and Proof RequiredNumber of Continuing Education Hours Granted/Allowed
(a)Attendance at or participation in continuing education programs related to psychology offered by approved organizations.Maximum of 30 hours per renewal period.
(b)Passing a postgraduate academic course related to psychology. Proof: Official transcript.5 hours per academic credit hour, maximum of 20 hours per renewal period.
(c)Initial presentation of a continuing education program. Proof: Program description and verification of presentation.2 hours per 50-60 minutes, maximum of 20 hours per renewal period.
(d)Initial presentation of a scientific exhibit, poster, paper, or clinical demonstration. Proof: Document and verification of presentation.2 hours per 50-60 minutes, maximum of 20 hours per renewal period.
(e)Initial publication of an article in a peer-reviewed journal. Proof: Copy of publication or acceptance letter.5 hours for primary author, 2 hours for secondary author, maximum of 20 hours per renewal period.
(f)Initial publication of an article in a non-peer-reviewed journal. Proof: Copy of publication or acceptance letter.1 hour per article, maximum of 3 hours per renewal period.
(g)Initial publication of a chapter in a textbook. Proof: Copy of publication or acceptance letter.5 hours for primary author, 2 hours for secondary author, maximum of 20 hours per renewal period.
(h)Initial publication of a book related to psychology. Proof: Copy of publication or acceptance letter.Maximum of 20 hours for non-self-published, 10 hours for self-published, per renewal period.
(i)Identifying, researching, and resolving an event or issue related to clinical practice. Proof: Summary of activities.1 hour per 50-60 minutes, maximum of 5 hours per renewal period.
(j)Participating on a state or national committee, board, council, or association. Proof: Verification of participation.10 hours per committee, maximum of 20 hours per renewal period.
(k)Participating in a postdoctoral clinical training program. Proof: Letter from program director.10 hours, maximum of 10 hours per renewal period.
(l)Participating as a surveyor in accreditation, certification, or inspection of programs. Proof: Verification from organization.10 hours, maximum of 10 hours per renewal period.
(m)Participating on peer-review, utilization review, or patient care committees. Proof: Verification of participation.10 hours, maximum of 10 hours per renewal period.
(n)Serving as an instructor for the first time in a postdoctoral clinical training program. Proof: Verification from program director.2 hours per 50-60 minute lecture, maximum of 10 hours per renewal period.
(o)Providing clinical supervision for master’s, doctoral, or postdoctoral level students. Proof: Verification from authorized official.1 hour per 50-60 minutes, maximum of 10 hours per renewal period.
(p)Participating in peer supervision or consultation with professional colleagues. Proof: Affidavit from colleague.1 hour per 50-60 minutes, maximum of 10 hours per renewal period.
(q)Participating in case conferences for training purposes. Proof: Verification from supervisor.1 hour per 50-60 minutes, maximum of 5 hours per renewal period.
(r)Providing individual supervision for a limited licensed psychologist beyond required hours. Proof: Affidavit from supervisee.1 hour per 50-60 minutes, maximum of 10 hours per renewal period.
(s)Receiving individual supervision from a licensed psychologist beyond required hours. Proof: Affidavit from supervisor.1 hour per 50-60 minutes, maximum of 10 hours per renewal period.
(t)Participation in a panel discussion relevant to psychology. Proof: Documentation from organizer.1 hour per 50-60 minutes, maximum of 5 hours per renewal period.
(u)Obtaining initial certification in a specialty area. Proof: Certification document.20 hours, maximum of 20 hours per renewal period.
(v)Participation in the development of a national examination for psychologists. Proof: Documentation from sponsor.5 hours, maximum of 5 hours per renewal period.

R 338.2585 Continuing Education Providers; Standards for Approval

  1. Approval Process for Providers Not Pre-Approved:
    • Providers not pre-approved must complete an application, submitted no later than 120 days before the program date, including:
      • Program schedule and content description.
      • Instructional objectives and promotional materials.
      • Details of the program director’s qualifications.
      • Method of determining and notifying participants of continuing education credits earned.
      • Curriculum vitae of presenters and assessment instruments, if any.
  2. Provider Responsibilities:
    • Approved providers must issue certificates or letters of attendance that include:
      • Sponsor’s name, program name, presenter names, attendee’s name, program date, state approval number (if assigned), and signature of the individual responsible for attendance monitoring.
      • Number of hours attended and the amount of continuing education credits earned.

By adhering to these requirements, psychologists can ensure they meet the necessary criteria for continuing education and maintain their licensure status.

Answers to Common Questions about Continuing Education Requirements For Michigan Psychologists

  1. How many continuing education hours do I need to complete for license renewal?

    • You need to complete 30 hours of continuing education every two years.
  2. What types of activities count towards continuing education credits?

    • Acceptable activities include attending or participating in approved continuing education programs, completing postgraduate academic courses, presenting educational programs, publishing articles or books, providing or receiving clinical supervision, participating in peer supervision, serving on relevant committees, and more.
  3. Can I complete all my continuing education hours online?

    • Yes, there is no limitation on the number of continuing education credit hours that may be earned online.
  4. What are the specific content requirements for continuing education, such as ethics or pain management?

    • At least 2 hours must be dedicated to pain and symptom management, and at least 3 hours must be dedicated to ethics.
  5. How do I provide proof of completing my continuing education activities?

    • Proof can include certificates of completion, official transcripts, program descriptions, copies of publications, letters from program directors or supervisors, and affidavits from colleagues or supervisees.
  6. Are there limitations on how many hours I can earn from certain activities within a renewal period?

    • Yes, there are specific limitations for each type of activity, such as a maximum of 30 hours for attending approved programs, 20 hours for academic courses, presentations, publications, supervision, and other activities as detailed in the provided table.
  7. Do I need to complete continuing education hours during my initial licensure cycle?

    • No, the requirements of this rule do not apply during the initial licensure cycle.
  8. What happens if I attend a similar continuing education program more than once during a renewal period?

    • Credit for a continuing education program or activity that is equivalent or substantially equivalent to a program or activity that you have already earned credit for during the renewal period will not be granted.
  9. How can I get a new continuing education program approved if it’s not pre-approved?

    • Providers not pre-approved must complete an application and submit it no later than 120 days before the program date. The application should include program details, instructional objectives, promotional materials, qualifications of the program director, and other specified information.
  10. What are the criteria for accepting a continuing education provider or program?

    • The provider must submit an application that includes a program schedule, explanation of the program’s educational purpose, instructional objectives, promotional materials, qualifications of the program director, and methods for determining and notifying participants of credits earned. The program must be designed to further educate psychologists and comply with the specified guidelines.